

Senior Counsel – Corporate Law and M&A 

I have significant experience in national and international commercial contracts, corporate and consumer law.

I am involved in assisting medium-sized and large companies in drafting and negotiating commercial contracts.

Most of my activity involves issues related to distribution, franchising, agency, e-commerce, consumer protection and transport.

I also advise in corporate law and support clients in reviewing the system of delegation of powers.

I assist clients who come mainly from the luxury fashion, food, healthcare and services sectors.

I have carried out various in-house activities for our clients and these experiences have strengthened the development of a pragmatic consultative approach.

Before joining WST (formerly Fieldfisher Italy), I worked at one of the largest Italian firms engaged in multi-professional assistance and integrated consultancy.

I graduated in Administrative Law at “Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi” and developed my final essay during an internship at one of the most important Firm specialized in Administrative Law.

In 2011, I became a lawyer and I am a member of the Milan Bar Association.

In 2018 I completed a master’s degree in “Web Law” which allowed me to deepen the legal issues related to online trade.

In 2022 I obtained a master in “Commercial communication Law” at UPA Academy during which I delved into topics related to influencer marketing and product/service advertising.


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