

Partner – Corporate Law and M&A 

I have more than 30 years’ experience in corporate commercial law and in advising domestic and international, medium to large companies.

My clients operate in various sectors: mechanical industry, automotive, transport, logistics, luxury brands, fashion, mining, construction and electronics.

I have gained a longstanding experience of consultancy to businesses on commercial and industrial law, covering both the strategic aspects, relating to the product and the market, and the practical aspects, represented by the structuring and revision of contract systems,
management coaching and training, corporate governance and compliance. 

I focused my experience primarily on domestic and international M&A operations, both in their conception phase and in the subsequent integration process. I have a sound experience in the field of the risk management, with special attention to the detection and management of the legal risks, which I usually coordinate with the company’s current internal audit system. 

I am member of several Supervisory Board according to law 231/01.

I have been a member of the Bologna bar since 1991.

Since my approach is significantly business-oriented, I strive to find non-standard legal solutions, led by a strong pragmatism and the need to strengthen the risk management system of the client or to create one, where it doesn’t yet exist. Coherently, during the negotiations I am guided by the need to find an economic and industrial efficient solution, whilst also supporting the client in the evaluation of the non-strictly legal aspects.

Thanks to my gained experience, I am often called by companies to sit as director or supervisor or member of governance team, or given a functional role in the organisation report directly to the CEO or CFO.
In parallel with my professional activity, I carry on intense teaching and training activities at the client’s premises, often with the support of their established internal legal risk management. 

From an institutional point of view, for some 20 years I have been a lecturer at the Business Legal Consultant Master course at Luiss Business School in Rome and I am professor of the Business Law course of the Executive MBA at Bologna Business School.

I am also member of the Board of Directors of a local bank.

Before joining WST (formerly Fieldfisher Italy) I was senior partner of two big international law firms and, from 2007 to 2017, I was the founding and managing Partner of an important Italian law firm.


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