
Dal Mas

Senior Counsel – Labour Law 

I have more than 20 years’ experience and I supervise a team dedicated to labour law.

I deal with judicial litigation and, in particular, I provide assistance to companies in disputes  concerning dismissals, wage differences, mobbing, occupational illness and accidents at work, contractual and non-contractual liability in the context of the employment relationship, as well as social security aspects and administrative penalities, directing clients to settlements out of the court and formulating legal opinions aimed at identifying the most suitable and effective defence strategy.

I also provide legal assistance in extrajudicial matters, in particular through legal advises with the aim of adopting, reviewing, updating and implementing organisational models for personnel management (i.e.: collective dismissals, job changes, company transfers, company regulations, welfare, employment and self-employment contracts).

Before joining WST (formerly Fieldfisher Italy), I practised law for over 20 years with my own law firm


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