

Senior Counsel – Labour Law 

I have over twenty years’ experience in issues pertaining to the different aspects of the employment relationship, about the management of the staff relationship, from its genetic phase, through any modification that may arise and up to its possible termination. I follow both the out-of-court and the court stages. 

Furthermore, I provide opinions on specific matters referring to the various types of both direct and indirect problems connected to the employment relationship and to the regulations governing business transfers and/or leases, as well as to tender-related issues.

I provide constant support to large groups whenever they need to terminate the employment relationship with their employees, by following the entire procedure and completing the formalities required according to the best possible outcome and related needs up to the end of the court phase.

I also deal with agency and business procurement relationships with regard to job profiles.

I regularly assist clients operating in the national transport, post and telecommunications, private security services sectors, as well as other companies operating in different sectors (telematic university, service companies, etc.). Furthermore, I have broadened my scope of knowledge with respect to various social security issues of private pension funds, dealing with related court litigation. 

I have gained special expertise in the field of work-related illnesses and workplace accidents, with reference to problems arising from possible exposure to harmful substances (asbestos dust, ecc.) by workers from large companies (employees and/or former employees), as well as by their close relatives having suffered from exposure, also indirectly, or from damages for being near the worker affected by the exposure. 

I also deal with the consequent claims for compensation taken to court for the pecuniary/nonpecuniary damage suffered.

Moreover, I am involved in the litigation relating to INAIL claims taken against employers for the reimbursement of the insurance benefits provided. As part of this activity, I examine the admissibility and/or validity of the claims themselves.

I manage all the problems mentioned in synergy with clients and their needs.

I graduated from the Sapienza University of Rome.

I am a member of the Rome Bar Association and admitted to the Higher Courts.


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