
Francesco Gerino

Partner – Labour Law 

I have over twenty years’ experience in providing consultancy and support to enterprises and managers on labour matters.

I advise clients on all aspects of labour law and assist them both in and out-of-court.

I have also acquired specific expertise in relation to commercial contracts (agency, distribution, etc.), the administrative liability of companies under Law 231/01 and health & safety in the workplace issues.

I’m member and Chairman of supervisory bodies under Law 231/01.

My clients mainly operate in the industrial, service/tertiary, health, food, insurance and financial sectors.

I am qualified to practise law and have been a member of the Turin Bar Association since 2007.

Before joining WST (formerly Fieldfisher Italy), I was a partner at a well-known law firm in Turin, where I developed and refined my skills and professional knowledge mainly in the field of labor law.

I am a member of AGI – Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani (Italian Employment Lawyers Association).


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