

Head – Energy & Environmental Law 

I have more than ten years’ experience, gained in leading international firms, until I joined WST (formerly Fieldfisher Italy) in 2017. 

I advise Italian and foreign clients in the implementation and financing of projects related to the energy and energy efficiency sector (in particular, drafting of legal opinions and due diligence, drafting of related contracts, assistance for authorization and environmental profiles) as well as in the procedures for obtaining public incentives/benefits/financing before GSE and ARERA. 

I deal with energy markets from both a regulatory and contractual perspective, with specific focus on private networks, self-consumption, energy communities, energyintensive businesses and relationships between players in the energy chain (producers, distributors, suppliers and end users). 

I work in the courts, in particular before the Administrative Courts, with reference to energy and administrative law issues. 

I advise trade associations and stakeholders in the energy sector in their relations with institutions. 

I assist public administrations in contract award procedures. I teach at various university courses and I am a speaker at conferences on energy law.


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