
with Legislative
Decree No. 231/01

Legislative Decree No. 231/01 imposes liability on entities (Italian and foreign operating in Italy) for offenses by their directors, employees, or supervised third parties. Penalties apply, but exemption is possible by adopting an effective Organization, Management, and Control Model (231 Model). This model ensures compliance, prevents misconduct, and enhances internal controls, mitigating business risks..

Thanks to our multidisciplinary expertise and experience, we are able to support clients and respond to the various needs and planning involved in the “Compliance” process for Legislative Decree no. 231/01 throughout its evolutionary cycle.

The approach and services offered aim to provide clients with customized legal, organizational and control solutions tailored to the specific business context and associated risks. 

The progressive expansion of “predicate offences” has also affected all company areas and processes. On the one hand, this requires increasingly specific vertical expertise, and on the other hand, adjustments to existing governance models, avoiding overlaps and redundancies in terms of responsibilities and control and monitoring tools, while ensuring solutions that are compatible with business needs. To best meet these requirements, our professionals offer specific expertise in legal, tax, workplace health and safety, environmental, anti-money laundering and IT practices, combined with expertise in internal control matters.

Compliance with Legislative Decree No. 231/01
